Local Flair Issue 2: FMM by Fatma Al Mulla


The second edition of Local Flair features the lovely Fatma Al Mulla from FMM, who discussed her journey from printing t-shirts with satire comedy to creating eye-catching accessories and clothes. Keep reading to find out lots more about the inner workings of this Emirati fashion designer. Continue reading


How to avoid the Air Kiss Dilemma…

Air Kiss greetings are just the WORST! I can grab a hand and shake it, high five, hug or even fist bump, but I just can not fathom air kisses! The reason being because I can never successfully pull it off! EVER! There are so many unwritten rules, each of them different to every culture and it’s enough to want me to stop greeting people altogether!

I am writing this post because yesterday whilst I was undergoing this seemingly simplistic social act, I happened to get my lipstick all over a stranger’s cheek. Not Cool. ( I then battled with myself about whether I should tell the lady that she has my lipstick smudged across her cheeks, but that’s a different story!)

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