How to avoid the Air Kiss Dilemma…

Air Kiss greetings are just the WORST! I can grab a hand and shake it, high five, hug or even fist bump, but I just can not fathom air kisses! The reason being because I can never successfully pull it off! EVER! There are so many unwritten rules, each of them different to every culture and it’s enough to want me to stop greeting people altogether!

I am writing this post because yesterday whilst I was undergoing this seemingly simplistic social act, I happened to get my lipstick all over a stranger’s cheek. Not Cool. ( I then battled with myself about whether I should tell the lady that she has my lipstick smudged across her cheeks, but that’s a different story!)

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First Birthday Celebrations: Part 2

On Friday 15th May, we held Baby Z’s first birthday party at our home! It was a close family and friends affair, with the cake cutting, followed by an open buffet. His birthday is actually on the 12th of May, which was celebrated and blogged about too. You can read it here.

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Teething Hell… 

This blog wouldn’t be perfect without posting about the bad moments in my life too. Life isn’t always full of chocolates and smiling babies, especially when you are a mother and your baby has to go through the natural HORRIFIC process of teething!

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First Birthday Celebrations: Part 1

Yesterday, the family and I celebrated Baby Z’s first year in this world with two cakes, a lovely Italian meal and plenty of smiles and laughter (along with a little whinging from Baby Z of course!). This is only Part 1 of Baby Z’s first birthday celebrations as this is the “Home Affair”, whilst the birthday party is being held over the weekend at our house, and I shall be blogging about that too in Part 2!

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A letter to my Baby Boy on his First Birthday…

This can’t be happening. It can’t. Can it? Are you really turning ONE already? 

Where has the past year gone? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was washing your burp cloths and putting on your mittens (even though they didn’t stay on for more than a few minutes!) What about watching you smile as you tried to prop your head up or tummy times which would tire you out so quickly? 

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Silent Sunday…

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